Sunday, September 23, 2012

C4T #1

An analogy about my bike computer, a GPS tracking app on my phone, assessment, school, and learning.

For The past two weeks I have read Russ Goerend`s blog posts`. In his first blog he talked about an analogy about his bike computer, a GPS tracking app on his phone, assessment, school, and learning. It was a very interesting post. He talked about how he can sync his bike computer to his computer and see the statistics of his bike ride. The comment I left Mr. Goerend was this blog post was very interesting to me. I did not know you could put a device on your bike and then sync it to your computer. It was cool to see you use an analogy about your bike and make it educational. That is a great idea to try to incorporate students’ hobbies into school projects.
Expanded tweets: Storytelling in all genres

In the next post Russ Goerend talks about storytelling in all genres. His post talks about how you have to story tell and are more descriptive in your writings. In his post he talks about how he gave his students` a topic What is the best fruit? Explain your choice using the chart. He explains how students think the reader knows what they are talking about and how they go strait to the point. He explains how everyone does not know what "because" means. He talks about asking yourself the 5 W`s while you are writing which are Who is the narrator? What are they doing? When is this taking place? Where are they? Why am I being told this? He talked about how you write the story is what makes it powerful, worth reading, and worth writing. I posted that I thought this was a very interesting post because I have a problem with just going straight to the point and not being descriptive. I agree you have to story tell in every genre.

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